That Wednesday was a roller coaster. The day before, I had an interview w/ a company that I thought went pretty well. In fact, it was great. I was a bit on cloud 9 but anxious-waiting on confirmation as to whether I got the job or not. On Thursday, I got the call! YES! Let me tell you, it was the call I wanted and needed for so long. This new job will open up so many doors for me. Financially, of course, but on a personal note, it is the perfect transition from the career path I was on, to putting me on the career path I've always desired.
Within the past several months, I began to sink into a depression. No, not clinical-still a depression. I knew I was off. I was unhappy. At times, miserable. Overeating. Smoking. Drinking. I was losing myself...and fast. No one's fault but my own. I had a lot on my mind. Work. Finances. Social life. Family. Hobbies. Health (food and constant weight gain). It was a lot. Fear....fear that I wouldn't get out of the situation and w/ my dignity.
Finding my happy--took prayer, great friends, time, patience and determination. On 11.18.11, I walked away from my job, my position, in the industry that I loved too much and I found a large piece of my happiness.
I won't stay away forever! Lol. My life revolves around this industry and this industry has, in part, made me who I am. But now, I know my calling. I know what I can contribute and how much of myself I can give. I know that I have dreams and many goals to achieve in life - and above all, I now know that I am to make it ALL happen.
The S E R E N I T Y Prayer
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference." (click for full text)
11.19.11 - 11.27.11 I was home! Went to Mommy's house for the holidays! Fuchsia came w/ me and it was simply the best time. We enjoyed ourselves. We really just enjoyed being 23 years old. With a few hard earned dollars in our pockets and time - we partied, we ate, we slept in, we spent time w/ a few of my cousins and best friends. Very relaxing. (S/o to JaNisa, Brittany, Jamaar & Tara - thank y'all so much. Words cannot express how much I soaked in enjoyed the time spent this past week! Carolyn, Thank you for being a friend! Winterrrrrrrrrrr! Lol. Wine? Fabulous things YET what we do naturally!)
Now I'm back in the 804. Head is clear. I'm focused. I have a couple of things in the works. Projects that I am working on, which I will discuss in future blogs as things began to take form. (S/o to Myles and Kellita! We have history to make. Love y'all!)
Work begins tomorrow! I'm uber excited! I'm bursting inside w/ joy!
Thanks for letting me release this...Everyone, find your happiness. A man is nothing without his name. And a person is miserable w/o their happiness. It is worth having and it's yours for the taking. Be happy. Be blessed.
God is love. Love is family and friends.